Darcie Bakes //

Baking from scratch… because good things take time.


  • Challah French Toast.

    French toast is one of those breakfast foods that I rarely eat. Obviously, it’s delicious. I tend to eat pancakes and waffles more often; French toast is a breakfast that’s been relegated to that “fancy schmancy breakfast” category in my brain. And that’s kind of silly, is it not? After all, French toast is basically…

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  • RBE // Homemade Lucky Charms Cereal!

    The roommate and I have officially lost our minds. This installment of “RBE” {Roommate Baking Endeavors} entails – as you have probably gathered – making homemade Lucky Charms. Oh yes. I have been told by more than one person that I’m “crazy” for doing this. And you know what… Those people aren’t wrong. I’ll tell…

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  • Vegan Chai-Spiced Pancakes.

    I don’t think it ever occurred to me that you can make vegan pancakes until I bought the book Pancakes, written by the same cool lady who writes at A Cozy Kitchen. That sounds silly now that I really think about it. In my mind, however, pancakes have always meant that there’s gonna be lots of butter,…

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  • Vegan Blueberry Muffins.

    I’m no writing expert, but even I sometimes hit a wall. I think they call that “writer’s block.” 😉 There are just times where – even if I enjoyed a recipe or felt inspired by it – I just don’t know what to say about it. That’s how I’m feeling today. I got my less-than-great…

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  • Giant Cinnamon Rolls.

    I’m in a pretty straightforward mood today. So let me just get straight to the point with this blog post: I’m pretty sure that these are the best cinnamon rolls I have ever made. Yes, I realize that was a bold statement. But – not to brag – I have made a few cinnamon rolls…

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  • Old-Fashioned Sour Cream Doughnuts.

    Oh man. These doughnuts. I just love them. I was fortunate enough to try them several months ago when my roommate made them for two other girls and myself. I think I exclaimed, “Holy crap, that’s GOOD!” when I first tried them. So I asked my roommate if we could make them together as a Roommate Baking…

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  • Simple Granola + Raspberry + Yogurt Parfaits.

    I’m not gonna lie: I am not a huge fan of yogurt. Try as I might, there’s just something about the taste that just kinda squicks me out. [I’m also one of those apparent nutjobs who hates cow’s milk, but that’s another story for another day.] Then last Saturday morning, I found myself rushing to leave…

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  • Small Batch Granola.

    Granola probably seems like one of those foods that makes much more sense to make in bulk, right? For most people, it probably does make sense to make massive amounts of it. But I’m not one of those people. You see, I like granola; don’t get me wrong. I just can’t eat a ton of it…

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  • Buttermilk Banana Bread.

    There are so, so many banana bread recipes out there. I have at least 10-15 nanner bread recipes pinned on a Pinterest board, most of which I still have yet to try. But I recently realized that it had been awhile since I made some good nanner bread, and so I found this buttermilk banana…

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  • Cinnamon Chip Scones.

    Oh man. I don’t even know where to begin with these scones. You see, cinnamon chip scones and I go wayyy back. I’d even say that cinnamon chip scones are my homies. Yeah, I went there. Inanimate, edible objects are my friends. Now you probably think I’m a weirdo for talking about scones as if…

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