Darcie Bakes //

Baking from scratch… because good things take time.

Currently // 11.06.2014.

Duuude. We’re six days into November.

My only response to that is:
Don’t even try to tell me how many days there are until Christmas. I’m not a Grinch, but honestly… Christmas can just hold its horses until after Thanksgiving is done being its awesome, food coma-inducing self. To quote Kendrick Lamar, that’s just how I feel, nah, nah.

Moving on. Let’s do a quick review of what I did in October. It was a good month, for the most part. But it sure flew by too darn fast. Sadface.jpg.

// Photos from my Instagram Account. On Instagram, straight flexin’! 😎


Top Row:
I bought a gorgeous purple orchid from Trader Joe’s. They actually have pretty good quality orchids. I named it Adelaide, and it’s a she. I hope I don’t kill her. So far she still looks good.
02. Two of my bestest STL friends – Ethan and Cassidy – got married on October 11th. The wedding and the reception [mostly the reception – open bars are bad, mmkay] were so much fun. In this picture, we’re doing the Bernie. Bernie’d so hard our necks hurt. If it ain’t about money, then it really don’t concern me. [Yeah, I’m way too easily amused!] 😀
03. I taught the lovely newlywed Cass how to make my favorite cinnamon chip scones. They’re her husband’s favorite, so she can make them for him. I shouldn’t be makin’ scones for someone else’s man. 😉 Also, I am really ashamed that I’ve not shared them on the blog yet. They are some of my favorite scones too, and I daresay that I’m basically an expert on them. I’ll stop holding back on you soon. Promise.

Middle Row:
I made my own cupcake costume for Halloween in the Central West End (fancy Saint Louis neighborhood). It was so much fun to make, even though I sustained like three injuries from making it. I burnt my left ring finger pretty badly with hot glue, I cut left pointer finger on my box cutter, and got a few scratches, too. It was all worth it. The crowd loved it; I got so many compliments, and I’m in at least ten random peoples’ pictures. Great success! {PS: I also still have sprinkle residue on my nails…}
02. I visited some college friends in Chicagoland. I made it a priority to go to Portillo’s. Nom nom nom.
03. The “baking gallery wall” is making progress in our kitchen. I’m lucky that – even though I’m 99.4% sure she thinks I’m crazy – my roommate lets me do whatever decorating, and she enjoys my interior decorating skillz in our apartment. I should probably talk about where I’ve gotten some of these decorations. Soon, soon.

Bottom Row:
While I was shopping for supplies last minute for the cupcake costume, I saw this mixer ornament at Michael’s. It was indeed an impulse purchase, but I don’t even care. I’m planning on doing a baking themed Christmas tree this year, and I knew that this had to be the first ornament to go on the tree. I’ll talk more about this, later, though. You know, after Thanksgiving. None of that Christmas-before-Thanksgiving horse shit. 😉
02. I got my nose pierced. I KNOW. My roommate asked, “Was that an impulse decision?” And my answer is: yes and no. It was an impulse decision – I had brunch with a friend on Saturday after having a really awful mental breakdown on Friday – then decided, YOLO, it’s time for a nose piercing. But I have actually considered doing it for a long time; I just wasn’t sure whether or not I could pull it off. It turns out that I can pull it off pretty well, methinks, and I don’t regret it. Even my mom didn’t yell at me for it; she actually likes it, so that’s how I know I made an okay decision.
03. In mid-October, I went to my hometown to celebrate the life of my paternal grandfather. I wasn’t the closest to him growing up, and he was certainly a goofy dude. But it was nice to get together with family and remember him and his antics. This is a picture of him helping me open presents when I was a youngin’. Wasn’t I a cute little ginger? Anyway, rest in peace, Grandpa Phil. You will be missed. <3

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That’s enough of my random streams of consciousness for now. I hope everyone had a great October. Let’s hope November is pretty ballin’, too.

PS: I have some extremely ballin’ [I just like the word ballin’ today] baking posts coming your way soon. It may take me a week or two to finish them because I have a day job. Silly day jobs… 😉 But do stay tuned – you’re gonna love the next few baking posts because they’re gonna be epic! Even if you’re not into baking like I am, they will still be epic. xoxo.

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