Darcie Bakes //

Baking from scratch… because good things take time.

FAQs + Disclaimers

Frequently Asked Questions:

So I’m obviously not cool enough to get any FAQs just yet. But I thought it might be nice to provide some explanations as to why I’m here. 🙂

Q: What does the name of your blog mean?

A: I figure my blog’s name is pretty obvious, but in summary: my name is Darcie [duh], and I love baking. I mean, I really love baking.

Q: What kind of content can I find on this blog?

A: While my niche is quite obviously baking [hence the blog’s title], I will definitely post about other topics. I don’t have too many solidified plans for what the other topics entail just yet, but here are some topic examples that you’ll most likely see: crafts/DIY/anything creative, home decor, writing about life in general, inspirational quotes, graphic design, photography, gardening, and miscellaneous technical subjects.

Q: What kind of camera do you use?

A: I’ve been getting acquainted with my beautiful Nikon D5000 for the last six months or so. I’m by no means a photography expert; I just learn by trial and error as I go along! I use a standard 18-55mm lens for now, and it gets the job done. But I’m also experimenting with a few other lenses to help improve my food photography skillz. I have no idea what I’m doing, but the learning process is [mostly] fun!

Q: Where are your photos and graphics from?

A: Unless otherwise noted, all graphics and photos that you will see on this site have been created by me. Whenever I use a photo/graphic/whatever from another person, I will always give him/her credit and link back to their site. I believe very strongly in being as ethical as possible when it comes to artwork. So if I’ve made a mistake somewhere, it probably wasn’t intentional. Just politely let me know, and I’ll do my best to fix it.

Q: Who designed your website?

A: I did. Well, with the help of several tools. The website’s main functionality is powered by the amazing Genesis Framework. Most of the design is powered by the Beautiful Pro Theme, which basically sits on top of Genesis. All graphics are edited by me, and all web design customizations were tirelessly created and edited multiple times by me.



Okay, so this is a subject about which I feel pretty strongly. While I am completely open to constructive criticism, I will not tolerate any kind of cruel or derogatory behavior toward myself or anyone else who chooses to visit this blog. I feel like I shouldn’t even have to spell this out, as we’re all adults here. But since I’ve been a victim of cyber bullying in the past, I tend to get a bit fired up about this subject. That being said, I reserve the right to remove any and all comments that I deem inappropriate for my site. Let’s keep this site a fun and positive place for all!

Use of My Content:

If you like my work, I am flattered. Seriously. And I don’t necessarily mind if you use it. However. If you do want to use my work, please do the following: 1) ask me for permission, and 2) please always attribute my work to me, and link back to my site appropriately. Stealing the work of others is for chumps.